Whether you are looking for a Lab Scale or a Truck Scale, you must choose the scale application the best suits your scenario. For example, consider the following:
Will it save the company money by reducing product loss because we were guessing the weight? Will it reduce labor cost on loading and/or unloading? – A Floor Scale verses a Fork Lift Scale, one is stationary and one is moving, which means to you, that you can weigh with a Fork Lift Scale on the run. Loading and/or unloading time has decreased, and productivity time has increased.
In today’s economy saving money is important, so why are you giving it to the freight companies? The right tool to have is your own shipping scale in order to verify your shipping weight. We had one client come back to us and state that on one shipment alone he challenged the freight company and the difference in charges paid for the scale.
Let’s go back to the original question, what scale is right for me? You may have already approached this concept and now you’re starting to shop around. Remember, you are not buying groceries where a nickel here or a dime there will make a difference. You are looking at an investment that is supposed to save you money, now that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune to get the best application.
· Who should I call?
· Why do I need someone else to advise me?
· Why can’t I just make a request by phone or e-mail?
Who Should I call? A company that deals in nothing more then quality service and sales of scale equipment etc.; a company that has been in business for over 20 years; a company that has qualified and certified technicians to address your technical problems; and most important, a company that cares.
Why do I need someone else to advise me? It is like any major purchase, you know what you want, but the mechanics of getting it may require an outside source that deals in this type of operation, who can advise you on what will work at the best price, or as they say, “the best bang for your buck.”
At Advanced Weigh Technologies, Inc. we have the experience and knowledge to meet your needs. Call us @ 713-691-4878 for more information or visit our website at http://www.awtscale.com/ or write us atsa***@aw******.com